
Jamie Clarke silvaconstruction.com lip

An easy, budget-minded  way to give your home an exterior face lift is to change the paint color of the trim around your house (fascia boards, eves and window trim).  Here are a few tried and true combinations.

Depending on the base color of your home trim colors can range from bright white to dark charcoal. What you are looking for is contrast.

house trim pic 4 twit    tan trim r




Another easy fix is to change the color of your front door. Some people may say a red door is passé but if done right it can be beautiful.  Teal, navy blue and black doors are also popular.  If you have a dated oak door you may want to sand it down and stain it a deeper, darker color. I think you will be surprised what a big change this will make.

Black front door Teal Door 10-14-15


I’ll be glad to help you choose the right color combination for your home.

Jamie Clarke



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